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Supporters of President Erdoğan’s ‘The World is Bigger than Five’ thesis may increase

Western governments are not yet aware, but they are rapidly losing their values not only in the eyes of their own people, who cannot...

Netanyahu is a survival problem for Israel and Israel is a survival problem for...

Israel and Netanyahu are in a difficult situation. Not only because of last week's arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) and yesterday's...

Why is Trump so content about Sochi accords between Turkey and Russia, if...

President Tayyip Erdoğan and President of Russian Federation,Vladimir Putin, reached an agreement after long marathon talks in Sochi, and the deal seems to have pleased everyone. Russia and Turkey are...

Trump’s letter to Erdoğan.. When and why was it written? Do we know answers...

Donald Trump’s style of correspondence in his letter to President Tayyip Erdoğan has generally been seen as disrespectful, not only in Turkey but in the USA too, where the letter baffled...

I have a tale to tell for anyone with sincere intentions…

Possibly because I’ve been following the US President Donald Trump’s talks and tweets instantly by taking notes for almost two weeks, I’ve just realized something that I didn’t notice...